First Year Legislature
In 1987, recognizing that a separate program was needed for younger, first-year delegates, the YMCA Youth in Government program began the First Year Legislature. Held concurrently with the Session of the YMCA Youth Legislature, the First Year Legislature is designed to provide newcomers with the experience and knowledge that can assist them immensely as they progress toward full participation in the YMCA Youth Legislature. The First Year Legislature operates as a unicameral body, with an emphasis on educating First Year Participants in legislative procedure, parliamentary procedure and debating skills. The program is mandatory for 9th and 10th Grade newcomers, but is optional for first-year participants who are in the 11th and 12th Grades. The First Year Chamber is led by the Presiding Officer, who is elected at the previous year’s session. He or she shall have the following qualifications:
- At least one year’s previous experience in the Alabama YMCA Youth Legislature.
- Ability to speak in public extemporaneously.
- Knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
- Knowledge of present day issues and problems.
- Personality, appearance, dress, poise and good voice.
- Member of an affiliated Hi-Y, Tri-Hi-Y, Student YMCA or Government Club.