By Cassie Sadie
2015 Youth Governor
Welcome to Alabama’s 67th Youth Legislature! Thank you all so much for being here and for all the hard work you’ve put in and will put in to make this conference the best possible.
Over the next few days, you will discover countless new perspectives and ideas. You will make new friends and gain skills that will accompany you for the rest of your life. I encourage you to fully embrace everything that the conference throws at you. Seize every moment from every handshake to every speech opportunity. Step up and let your voice be heard.
Just as I encourage you to speak, I encourage you also to listen. You will hear delegates share viewpoints from every corner of Alabama, often challenging your own beliefs. These differences make us strong, for together we can create change that would otherwise be impossible. Respect and tolerance bind us together and allow the free flow of ideas to enlighten us all. Remain open and accepting to your fellow delegates – you may be surprised by what you learn.
I look forward to meeting or getting to know you all better and to seeing you all in action! Have a great weekend!

The governors and their chiefs of staff: Cassie Sadie, Robert Bentley, Win Woodson and Seth Hammett.
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