By Savanna Harris
and Anna Claire Bullard
TomorrowTODAY writers
After being introduced by Youth Lt. Gov. Emily Stone, Youth Gov. Cassie Sadie reminded delegates the weekend of the 67th Alabama Youth in Government’s Youth Legislature program is an opportunity for our voices to be heard. She also reminded everyone to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Sadie reminded us that while this weekend is mainly about debating, don’t forget that this is where you can make new friendships. In addition, she told everyone to remember everything you do here matters.
Sadie encouraged everyone to use the hash tag #alyig or #alyig2015 in any social media post so everyone can stay connected.
After her speech, Sadie introduced Alabama’s Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey. Ivey said that citizen leaders participate. She said the four steps to become a citizen leader is to listen, learn, help and lead. Citizen leaders also find ways to get involved and improve different aspects of life. Ivey reminded us that the pledge isn’t just a routine, it’s a symbol of our freedom. She also said our voices matter. Stone closed the ceremony by saying it is a privilege to be in the State House, and it remember to follow the rules.
If you have questions for the 2016 candidates, use the #alyigcandidates to pose your question before today’s10 p.m. Candidates’ Forum. Then listen to see if your question is used and answered during tonight’s forum.
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