8. Drugs
- Rehabilitation of non-violent criminals
- Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes
7. Civil Rights & Liberties
- The base of the Statue of Liberty reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” and it should be the goal of the Alabama government to protect the civil liberties of its citizens. Being racially discriminated against is under no circumstances acceptable but the state of Alabama must not tolerate affirmative action and must terminate state contracts with colleges.
6. Gun Control
- Freedoms are guaranteed in the Second Amendment
- Respond to active shooters but guarantee the Second Amendment
- Protect the right to purchase, own, carry and use firearms.
5. Crime
- The goal for the state of Alabama should be to protect the citizens of the state. The state should allocate more funds to the Department of Corrections to ensure that citizens feel protected by the police, not afraid of them.
- For inmates on death row, limits should be placed on appeals and end parole for repeat violent felons.
4. Corporations
- The state of Alabama will do strive to attract new businesses. One of the most attractive characteristics of the United States is the fact that each person operates under a free market. My goal is to pass legislation that ensures that capitalism is evident and the free market runs rampantly.
3. Budget & Economy
- The goal I have set and the goal that I hope that each of you can help me reach is that Alabama operates on a balanced, conservative budget without federal assistance.
- In the state of Alabama the goal should be to protect essential services, and otherwise cut 15 percent to 45 percent.
2. Education
- Students are the next generation that will one day be making laws for us to provide the safest and best lives possible for us, so providing a top notch education is of the upmost importance.
- Improving schools with a federal, state or private partnership.
1. Jobs
- Take pride in products stamped “Made in Alabama”
- Job creation is my first priority.
Noah McNelley, 18, is a senior at Trinity Presbyterian School in Montgomery. He is the son of Scott and Jackie McNelley.
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